Place: Salta y Jujuy

Date: 25, 26 y 27 de abril de 2025

Distances: Etapa 1: 26,5k
                 Etapa 2: 21k
                 Etapa 3: 10k

Raid Columbia is organized by Club de Corredores, in conjunction with the Salta Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Jujuy Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

2.1 Abilities of the Organizers

The organizers maintain the following powers:

  1. Cancel or postpone the event due to unforeseen circumstances. If the event is postponed 20 days in advance, 100% of the amount paid will be credited to be used in any of the next 3 editions. If the event is postponed less than 20 days in advance, 70% of the amount paid will be credited to be used in any of the next 3 editions. If the event is postponed less than 4 days in advance, 50% of the amount paid will be credited to be used in any of the next 3 editions. If the event is postponed less than 24 hours in advance, no balance will be credited for future editions.
  2. Modify or shorten the routes in the event of unexpected weather or other unforeseen circumstances if necessary and without prior notice.
  3. Not refund registrants.
  4. Use photos and videos of participants and share with sponsors without compensation.
  5. Reserve the right of admission to the event.
  6. Perform required item checks at any time; before, during or at the end of the race.
  7. Aplicar penalidades/sanciones según las expresadas en el Articulo 10 de dicho reglamento; o incluso de considerarlo necesario, aquellas que no estén abarcadas en el mismo.

Completing the registration process for the event implies acceptance of the regulations and any other official communication by the organization (see Articulo 19)

Registration for the event is personal and is done on the platform a partir del jueves 1 de Junio 2023 Cada corredor se compromete a completar de forma fehaciente los datos solicitados en el proceso de inscripción. 4.1 Costo de Inscripción: El costo de inscripción estará disponible en el siguiente Link: See Here 4.1.1 Methods of Payment Argentinian runners: Ahora 3 or 12 is a way to pay for El Raid registration; for those who have paid their registration by this means and announce their withdrawal from the event, their cards will be charged until the end of the period of 3 or 12 months, as appropriate, then leaving the total registration fee paid. For more information, see policies. *Electronic payment service fees will be the responsibility of the user Foreign runners:
  • Electronic payments: Credit/Debit cards through Webpay*.
*Electronic payment service fees will be the responsibility of the user 4.2 Registration includes:
  • Derecho a participar en la Carrera Raid Columbia 2025.
  • Official shirt
  • Base layer
  • Runner number
  • Chip and ranking
  • Snacks at aid stations in 1st and 2nd stages
  • Medical and Rescue Service at different points of the circuit and finish
  • Finishers medal for those who complete the three stages
  • Hydration service
  • Products accompanying the kit
4.3 Documentation to present:
  • Registration confirmation voucher (Digital)
  • DNI or Passport (Original)
  • Medical clearance with 12 months validity (must be uploaded to your entryfee profile)
4.4 Política de Cancelación El pago de la inscripción no tiene devolución una vez realizado el mismo No podrán transferir lo abonado a otros corredores. Todas las lesiones y/o enfermedades o impedimentos físicos, serán considerados también, dentro de las políticas vigentes. Quienes notifiquen hasta el 29 de noviembre de 2024 (inclusive) su imposibilidad de asistir al evento, obtendrán un crédito para ser utilizado en la próxima edición del Raid Columbia por el 100% de lo abonado. Solo se podrá aplicar a ésta carrera y no a otras. Quienes notifiquen hasta el 30 de enero de 2025 (inclusive) su imposibilidad de asistir al evento, obtendrán un crédito para ser utilizado en la próxima edición del Raid Columbia por el 70% del valor de lo abonado. Sólo se podrá aplicar a ésta carrera y no a otras. Quienes notifiquen hasta el 31 de marzo de 2025 (inclusive) su imposibilidad de asistir al evento, obtendrán un crédito para ser utilizado en la próxima edición del Raid Columbia por el 50% del valor de lo abonado. Sólo se podrá aplicar a ésta carrera y no a otras. Quienes notifiquen a partir del 1ro de abril del 2025 en adelante su imposibilidad de asistir al evento no podrán transferir lo abonado a otra edición ni disponer de créditos o devoluciones de ningún tipo. La imposibilidad de participar se debe avisar por mail a:; quedando sin validez el aviso por cualquier otro medio. No se entregará el kit ni otro elemento del mismo a quienes no participen del evento

5.1 Modality:

  • Individual

5.2 Categories:

5.2.1 General:

  • Individual: WOMEN | MEN

5.2.2 Age Groups:


  1. 29 years or younger
  2. 30 to 34 years
  3. 35 to 39 years
  4. 40 to 44 years
  5. 45 to 49 years
  6. 50 to 54 years
  7. 55 to 59 years
  8. 60 to 65 years
  9. 65 years or older

*Age on the day of the event

If a category has less than 5 runners, it will be combined with the preceding category.

6.1 Required Items:

These items must be worn during the 3 stages of the race.

  • Official shirt (provided by the organizers)
  • Bib number (provided by the organizers)
  • 1 chip (provided by the organizers)
    *Does not include fleece and base layer.

6.2 Recommended Items:

  • 1 backpack that goes over the shoulders with a water or Gatorade reservoir
  • 1 waterproof jacket
  • 1 long sleeve t-shirt
  • 1 fleece or microfleece
  • 1 hat
  • 1 pair of sunglasses
  • Hiking sticks for Stage 2
  • Tights/leggings and shorts
  • Beanie or cap
  • Rain jacket
  • Shoes with good prior use
  • Sunscreen
  • Moleskin or similar for blisters on the feet

All courses will be identified with colored tape, which must be followed.

On the route the organization will set up aid stations, where runners will be able to replenish.

The route will have various checkpoints which must be passed. Skipping a checkpoint will result in disqualification from the race.

All aid stations will be considered checkpoints.

Below are the penalties according to the offense committed:

  • Shortcut on the route: Disqualification.
  • Skipping a checkpoint: Disqualification.
  • Littering before, during or at the finish of the race: 2 Hour Penalty
  • Not respecting organization staff or other runners: Disqualification
  • Assistance during the race: Disqualification.
  • Use of hiking sticks not carried from the beginning of the race: 1 Hour Penalty
  • Not giving notice to the organization that another runner is in trouble: Disqualification.
  • Not wearing the bib number visibly: 1 Hour Penalty
  • Missing chip: no ranking, listed as SC (Sin Clasificar)
  • Use of substances prohibited by the World Antidoping Agency: Disqualification

Any person in the organization can make the determination to apply more severe penalties or disqualify a runner if deemed necessary.

Unless injured, a runner can only withdraw at a checkpoint. There the runner must notify the designated person. If a runner decides to withdraw between 2 checkpoints, the runner must reach a checkpoint to indicate the withdrawal.

Because it is a high mountain race, there are sections in which access to the runners is difficult and the wait can be long.

Following the closure of a station, the organization may, to the extent of available means, relocate runners who have withdrawn and are still present at the station.

Runners who do not complete the distance will be listed as: RI (Recorrido Incompleto)

The timing of the stopwatches begins with the start of the competition and stops once the finish line has been crossed. Each stage will have its time which will then be added to obtain the final race time.

The winner is the one who completes the course in the shortest amount of time, without having violated the competition rules. Only those who complete the entire route can qualify.

Timeouts are applied in the event that the runner cannot continue the competition for reasons beyond their control in the cases established by the organization. Waiting time is deducted from the total race time. Judges can add time to runners who are penalized, as well as force them to stop running at the checkpoints to serve a sanction.

The rankings are established by the race time of the runners who complete the entire course, to which the corresponding penalties, if any, will be added. Each participant will receive a chip, which they must use by placing it in their shoe. The chip sends a signal that, when passing through the corresponding readers, shows the competitor's race time.

Competitors will be lent a chip, and will be responsible for its correct use and return at the end of the competition. The replacement cost for loss and/or destruction due to incorrect use will be the responsibility of the participant, who must pay the organization the sum of ten dollars (USD 10).

Results can be found the day after the race on the Raid Columbia webpage (

The organization will present awards to:

16.1 General:

  • The first 3 WOMEN and MEN

16.2 Age Groups:

The first 3 from each category

*The category must have a minimum of 5 runners, otherwise it will be combined with the preceding category.

The trails are our home, and thus we must take care of them as such. Those who participate in trail races know how important the environment is, which is why we must respect it!

Edible items must be carried without their packaging in an easily closable bag, and gels must be already dissolved in plastic bottles.

Littering before, during or at the finish of the race carries a 2 hour penalty.

During Raid Columbia, taking care of nature and respecting the culture of each area is a duty for everyone, but especially for those of us who enjoy the beauty of the mountain and its landscapes.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Enjoy getting to know the culture, customs, gastronomy and traditions of the local populations. Approach them with respect.
  • Don't throw trash on the ground. In a natural space, make sure that the only footprint you leave is that of your footwear.
  • Use minimal disposable products.
  • Respect the flora and fauna.
  • Use the chemical toilets, not the bushes.
  • Use natural resources, such as water and energy, sparingly.
  • If you buy a gift or souvenir, look for products that are an expression of the local culture in order to benefit the economy of the towns that receive it.
  • During the race, runners must keep all trash, whether it is granola bar wrappers or plastic bottles.

In Purmamarca and Tumbaya

In this area, GRASS is very expensive, both financially and in care, so we ask both runners and companions to be especially careful in the squares and places in the town where there is grass. It is prohibited to step or sit in these places, and we ask that you also let those people who are not informed about this know.

Another important point to respect is the fountain in the Plaza de Purmamarca, which is NOT allowed for bathing or getting wet.

Both towns use a waste sorting system. There will be garbage bins distributed in all sectors. Pay attention as the bins are identified by organic and inorganic waste.

In Salinas:

In Salinas Grandes you will see some mountains or hills of salt. These mountains are the salt harvest carried out by the mining workers. They asked us to be especially careful with this, therefore, it is NOT permitted to climb them. It is considered a serious offense because it ruins the harvest. We ask you to be very careful and respect this.

The organization will contract Personal Accident insurance for each runner covering the following:

Amount guaranteed:

$2,000,000 ARS for death or disability due to accident

$100,000 ARS for medical assistance due to accident

*In all cases, documentation will be presented to the insurance company to determine if the accident is covered within the framework of an event of these characteristics.

The safety of the runners is a priority for the organization. There will be a security team with the necessary equipment and will be available to provide assistance to participants. Throughout the different courses, there will be specialized mountain guides to provide adequate security and attention.

Runners will be traveling through regions unaccessible by vehicles (in many cases) and only accessible by horse or in some areas by helicopter, depending on the weather.

Throughout the race, the organization will have a team of doctors and health professionals (nurses, assistants, etc.), under the medical direction of experts in the field on the routes and in the camps. The aforementioned professionals will be accompanied by medical specialists, who will be available to answer runners' questions. Once the runner enters a hospital or sanatorium, the expenses are the responsibility of the participant. Therefore, we recommend always carrying your social work or medical assistance insurance credential.

Runners must have participated in adventure races and have very good physical fitness.

El certificado deberá ser cargado a su perfil de entryfee. Podrán cargarlo hasta el 28 de marzo del 2025, inclusive. Se aceptarán certificados fechados dentro de los últimos 12 meses anteriores a la realización de la carrera (no tendrán validez los expedidos con anterioridad a Abril de 2024).

If the certificate is not submitted on time, the runner will not be allowed to participate in the race.

Images obtained during the competition may be used by Club de Corredores and sponsoring companies for the purposes of dissemination and advertising of the event and/or associated products. Competitors who agree to participate in RAID Columbia will not have the right to make claims.


Whatsapp: + 54 9 11 3053 3190 (Only receives text messages)

22.1 Official Communication Channels:



Instagram: @raidcolumbia

22.2 Claims and Complaints

Any claim or complaint regarding the event must be submitted in writing to the following email address:

Verbal claims or complaints will not be accepted, nor will they be accepted in writing by any means other than the aforementioned.

Todos los corredores de Raid Columbia 2025 deberán aceptar los términos y condiciones expresados en el siguiente texto:

Without prejudice to the mandatory medical certificate required by the organization, each participant registers under their own responsibility and is the only one who judges the suitability of entering the competition and continuing it, with full knowledge of the risks that the development of the competition can create. They release in advance the organizer and sponsoring company from all criminal or civil liability in the event of a physical or material accident that may occur at RAID Columbia.

The organization reserves the right, after consulting the medical staff, to prohibit a competitor from starting the competition or, where appropriate, continuing it, if in the opinion of the organization there is a risk to the runner's health.

In case of injuries, the organization will take care of transportation to the nearest hospital. All expenses for medications, additional transfers, hospitalizations and surgical interventions will be borne by the participant/runner.

The organization is not responsible for behavior of competitors that does not respect the laws of Argentina.

Images obtained during the competition may be used by Club de Corredores and sponsoring companies for the purposes of dissemination and advertising of the event and/or associated products. Competitors who agree to participate in RAID Columbia will not have the right to make claims.

La Organización tiene plenos poderes para acortar los camino a los corredores que estén atrasados con respecto a la media de la carrera.

The organization has the power to:

  • Modify the established course.
  • Make cuts in the courses for the safety of the runners.
  • Stop the race in case of inclement weather or another impediment that makes its normal development impossible.
  • Divert the course in the case of difficulties on the terrain, inclement weather or unexpected events.

Registration for RAID Columbia implies acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in these regulations, the terms of which participants expressly declare that they know and understand.

