The trails are our home, and thus we must take care of them as such. Those who participate in trail races know how important the environment is, which is why we must respect it!

Es obligatorio llevar los comestibles en una bolsa de cierre fácil, sin sus envoltorios y los geles en una botellita de plástico ya disueltos.

Tirar desechos antes, durante o finalizada la carrera tendrá una penalización de 2 horas.

Durante Raid Columbia, cuidar la naturaleza y respetar la cultura propia de cada zona es un deber de todos pero, sobre todo, de quienes disfrutamos de la belleza de la montaña y sus paisajes.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Disfruten conociendo la cultura, costumbres, gastronomía y tradiciones de las poblaciones locales. Respétenlas y acérquense a ellas.
  • Don't throw trash on the ground. In a natural space, make sure that the only footprint you leave is that of your footwear.
  • Use minimal disposable products.
  • Respetá la flora y fauna.
  • Usá los baños químicos, no los arbustos.
  • Utilizá los recursos naturales, como el agua y la energía, con moderación.
  • Si comprás algún regalo o recuerdo, buscá productos que sean expresión de la cultura local con el fin de favorecer la economía de los pueblos que lo reciben.
  • During the race, runners must keep all trash, whether it is granola bar wrappers or plastic bottles.

In Purmamarca and Tumbaya

In this area, GRASS is very expensive, both financially and in care, so we ask both runners and companions to be especially careful in the squares and places in the town where there is grass. It is prohibited to step or sit in these places, and we ask that you also let those people who are not informed about this know.

Another important point to respect is the fountain in the Plaza de Purmamarca, which is NOT allowed for bathing or getting wet.

Both towns use a waste sorting system. There will be garbage bins distributed in all sectors. Pay attention as the bins are identified by organic and inorganic waste.

In Salinas: 

In Salinas Grandes you will see some mountains or hills of salt. These mountains are the salt harvest carried out by the mining workers. They asked us to be especially careful with this, therefore, it is NOT permitted to climb them. It is considered a serious offense because it ruins the harvest. We ask you to be very careful and respect this.
